Not Knowing
How To Masturbate

Can Cause A Bent Penis

how to masturbate safely

Never thought you'd need to learn how to masturbate, did you? But, you also probably never dreamed you'd have a bent penis either!

Masturbation is a very normal and healthy thing to do. Especially if you don't have a regular sex partner.

To almost everyone, masturbation (also spelled "mastrubation") comes naturally. We are sexual beings. It feels good and we are meant to enjoy it.

"Improper masturbation, however, can give a man a bent penis. So, it is important that all men, especially young men, know how to masturbate safely."

The Problems Start

We shouldn't have any problem learning how to masturbate in a healthy way.

The problem with sex is that there are so many rules! As kid, we tend to give these rules more credibility than they deserve. And, none of these rules teach a young man how to masturbate and not hurt himself.

So, as young developing adults we are often very sexually repressed. And what does this mean? It means when we get a little older we start to make up for lost time. I know I did!

We wind up reaching for more intense kinds of stimulation to make up for those we missed. We possibly do sexual things that cause our bodies harm.

And, because we were never taught correctly and safely, some of us wind up with a bent penis or even worse, a broken penis!

Why? Because no one ever taught us how to masturbate safely.

some of Society's unfortunate
morals, Laws And Rules

If you study history, sexual rules, and laws, were first set up by wealthy families so that they would know who their heirs were. It was that simple.

The problem is: rules, and religious taboos, and personal imposed "morals" can repress a young healthy being's natural needs in terrible ways if he/she is not educated on how to enjoy sex responsibly and how to masturbate safely when he or she is young.

Years later this repression often makes us seek sexual pleasure and gratification in the extreme. Again, trying to make up for what we missed.

When a young man has not been taught how to masturbate safely, he can wind up causing himself some serious damage.

We do need a certain amount of rules, or laws, governing sex only because it makes for a better healthier more orderly society.

But a young adult's needs must also be honored. And a young adult should be encouraged and taught to do this in a healthy way until she/he is ready for the responsibilities that come with a sexual relationship.

Now let's look at some of

mother Nature's
Laws And Rules

Mother nature, on the other hand, has her own set of rules and laws. She's not really concerned with the ones we invent. She just wants to procreate as efficiently as possible.

Way back when, a 40 year old man was considered old! So in order for our species to survive, babies had to be made early. We normally started at the age of about 12 or 13.

Genetically we still have the same bodies as we did back then. That is why we usually sexually mature at that age. Nature is ready to go!

But in today's world there still are about 5 more years until we consider sexual intercourse "OK".

Instead of teaching our young developing adults how to masturbate safely, we, as a society, repress it. And that's really an impossible thing to do!

The biological needs are there. Nature is going to have her way. So young developing adults should be taught how to masturbate in a safe and constructive way until they are mature enough for the responsibilities of sexual intercourse.

a bent penis

Here's what all that jabber was about:

As a result, many men never really learn a way to please themselves that is safe. It's a matter of luck and chance. They repeatedly pull their cock one way or another over and over and over again.

This causes part of the shaft to stretch too much. It becomes longer than the rest and develops a curve or a bend. It's that simple.

When that bend becomes too severe these men go to the doctor and are either told they have developed Peyronies Disease or that the bend is a "mystery".

There's no mystery to it. None at all!

The bend is either genetic (you inherited it at birth) or you developed it. Not knowing how to masturbate correctly is a major cause of a curved penis.

How To Fix
A Bent Penis

It's very easy to fix a bent penis.

99.999% of the time, a bent penis can be fixed without surgery or drugs.

The erect penis only bends in a direction because some of the tissues are shorter than the others. During erection the shorter part can not stretch as far. The penis bends in that direction.

It's just that simple! Lengthen the shorter part and the erection will straighten out. Permanently!

Permanent as long as you don't stretch it improperly again. And that is where learning how to masturbate correctly comes in.

no one really needs to learn
How To Masturbate

Masturbating isn't something anyone really has to be taught. There are so many pleasurable ways to do it. And, most people will do it naturally just because it feels good!

Masturbating a healthy thing! Especially for a man who has no regular sexual partner.

It has been proven that young men who masturbated regularly have far less prostate cancer later in life than those who were repressed and did not do it much. That is moral crime!

The reason masturbation is healthy is that regular ejaculation helps to keep the prostate gland clean and healthy. This is even showing up in the medical reports.

learning how to do it safely
is important

The problem with repression is, we try to make up for missed experiences when we get the chance. And we often try to over indulge to make up for what we missed.

This can cause a man to pleasure himself in very unhealthy ways. He may pull his penis far too hard in all sorts of directions trying to achieve a greater and greater orgasm. And this can result in a bent penis or even a broken penis!

Your erect penis was only designed to go smoothly in and out of a vagina in a straight line.

You can please yourself in any fashion and with any objects you want. As long as you follow those guidelines you will probably be just fine. It's that simple: don't bend or pull your erection sideways and don't pull it too hard and overstretch the skin.

The Best

If you're using your hand, the best way to do it is to pretend your hand is a vagina. Instead of grabbing it and moving the skin around it up and down, lubricate it well with some Olive Oil, KY Jelly, or Vaseline.

Then hold your hand still and thrust your cock in and out just as if your hand was a vagina.

With this method you'll get:

  • A far more natural sensation
  • Much more sensation
  • Improved sexual health (sexual thrusting stimulates all the nerves in your lower spine that run to your sexual organs)
  • A much more intense orgasm!

And, you will be able to keep your penis straight!

The Most Important Part
Is Safety

No, fun is most important. Right?

OK. They are both important. And, if you do it safely you'll have a lot more fun and not wind up with a bent penis.

the most intense orgasms possible

That's what we all want. Right?

Of course!

Of all the ways you decide to do it, the most intense orgasm you will ever get while masturbating will come when you feel most like you are actually inside of a woman.

The most important part about how to masturbate, especially if you've already had a bent penis, is how to masturbate safely.

I have discovered a fantastic sex toy called the Fleshlight. It should be called a "health toy"! It can save your penis from getting bent.

The Fleshlight is also amazingly pleasurable. Much more so than masturbating by hand. The Fleshlight is textured inside just like a vagina. And, it feels more like a vagina than anything on this Earth!

The most importantly: With a Fleshlight you will be able to keep your penis straight.

AND, you will get the best possible orgasms when you masturbate.

When you thrust into a Fleshlight you instinctively know how to masturbate. No one has to teach you anything.

And with a Fleshlight you won't have to worry about creating a bent penis again. Every man should have one!

Be Well.....

~ William

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